Students at San Luis Obispo High School are having to take all of their finals over the course of three days. There should be more time to take finals. Having every final within the span of one week can make it harder for some students to study for each class.
“Shoving finals into a three day period means that studying becomes rushed. We create a lot more hysteria than what would happen if we had more time to study,” said freshman Marcus Rudnick.
It’s especially hard for students who have all their core classes in one trimester.
“Having finals in one week isn’t a problem for me. But, I can see why it’d be hard for some students having two finals in one day,” said sophomore Charlotte Bigler.
If finals were spaced out across more than one week, students would have more time to study; Making it easier to manage time, and prepare for tests. The added time to study would also make the finals less stressful, and help students do better on them.
“We only have three days to take finals, which if other things are going on in your life can create a mess,” said Rudnick.
More time to study would make it a lot easier for students to manage their time, and therefore, do better on their tests.
“Spacing finals out would take mounds of stress off of me, and everyone else,” said Rudnick.
Students spend hours in some of their periods completing their finals, and should be prepared and confident that they’ll do good.
They are given three days to take all their tests, which can cause a lot of stress.
If finals lasted two or more weeks, then students would be able to do much better on their tests. This would help many students improve their test scores, which would help them pass their class, and ultimately, get into a good college.