There are around 1,600 students that attend San Luis Obispo High School, and around 900 participate in athletics. Many people say that being an athlete in high school is helpful in the long run. But being a student athlete can negatively affect your mental wellness in the short term.
SLOHS student athletes participate in practices that are hours long before and after school that affect their success in the classroom.
“Last year, we would have late practices, so by the time I got home, showered, and ate, I started my homework about three hours after everyone else would start. I ended up staying up until one in the morning to finish my homework most nights. This made me do worse in school,” said sophomore basketball player Terra Guidetti.
Due to the fact that they get home later, they will most likely stay up later to finish whatever is due the next day. Going to sleep later and waking up to get to school on time cause sleep deprivation. Thus showing that just after school time is not enough to finish the workload our teachers give the athletes.
Another thing that high school student athletes deal with, besides the lack of sleep, is being preoccupied during practices and games with the thoughts of the homework that needs to be done.
“During my water polo practices, which are from 5:00pm to 9:00pm, I think about all the homework I have when I get home. Thinking about my homework distracts me from doing my best when I’m in the pool,” said sophomore water polo player Bryson Jakins.
Learning time management can be considered as a positive of being an athlete, but when that skill hasn’t been learned, it can be detrimental to the athlete’s well being.
“As a student athlete, I struggle with time management because after practices and games I forget how little time I have to do homework and end up not doing it. The grind don’t stop,” said sophomore water polo player Alex Melton.
Not getting enough sleep, time management, and being preoccupied with the thought of school work are just some of the things student athletes deal with during their season.