San Luis Obispo High School administration gets each class together during the first week of school to lecture them about the upcoming year.
It started off with the seniors. One of the big messages given to seniors was that “this is the best time of our lives.”
Ask any faculty member and they will tell you to cherish this time, because it is so great. While senior year is filled with a lot of happy memories and ‘last times’ of doing things. I seriously disagree that this should be the best time of our lives.
Think about high school, all the people, the dances, and the drama. Is this really what adults think is supposed to be the best time of our lives? In my opinion if you think high school was the best time of your life you are probably still stuck in your own hometown high school where you were the quarterback dating some pep squad leader like any other high school movie.
The Faculty at SLOHS needs to open their eyes to the real world and realize that the senior class of 2020 is going to do much better things than what they are doing right now in high school.
The idea the administration is trying to get to seniors is to be present in this time. It is the last time some of us will live at home or before we enter the workforce and its the last time for some of us to see all of these people.
In these next few months I encourage all the seniors to take time and look around. Notice the new freshmen who are so small and full of hope. Notice the teachers who are working their hardest to make our life not miserable. This does not have to be the best time of your life, but I do hope that you can take it all in.