The yearbook elective is known to be very creative and hard working here at San Luis Obispo High School, but the class is losing a respected and dedicated advisor next year. Current yearbook advisor and English teacher, Scott Nairne, is stepping down this coming year to focus on his English classes as well as advise Expressions, the student run newspaper class.
“Nairne gave me a chance to prove myself and I became a harder worker because of that. He is overall an amazing teacher and I owe so much to him,” said junior yearbook editor Andrew Vander Weele.
Nairne has been a part of yearbook for ten years, and has created the ten most recent additions to the yearbook archive. In addition, he has mentored several students with a quirky, yet determined work ethic. English teacher, former ASB (associated student body) adviser, and last year’s senior class advisor Craig Stewart will be taking over yearbook for the future years of the elective.
“I am excited to teach yearbook for a few reasons, but primarily because it will give me a chance to work closely with a small group of students for a long period of time, in some cases over multiple years. The relationships I made working with students year after year on activities means a lot to me. Of course, I am pretty nervous about taking over Narine’s position, and the idea of creating a yearbook is pretty intimidating at this point. Fortunately, Nairne and I are good friends and he has offered to help me find my way. The way I understand it, the class is full of a bunch of talented and experienced yearbook kids already, which should make my job a lot easier,” said Stewart.
Nairne’s crazy spark will be greatly missed by the yearbook class, but future students can’t wait to see the interesting experiences Stewart brings to the table.