At San Luis Obispo High School, students and teachers play several types of sports that aren’t recognized by our athletics program, whether it’s hunting, horseback riding, or mountain biking. All these activities are very different than other types of sports, but one teacher on campus participates a sport that seems to outshine them all. Latin teacher Thomas Weinschenk plays handball, a sport that originated in Ireland and is most recognizable as it is usually seen played at elementary schools. Expressions set out to find out more about this unusual sport.
Expressions: What is handball?
Latin teacher Thomas Weinschenk: Handball, or wall ball, is a game where players use their hands to try to hit a super small rubber ball against a wall. You can’t let the ball bounce on the ground twice, or else you lose the point.
Expressions: How did you get into handball?
Weinschenk: I got into handball after I got a serious neck injury while playing tennis, which, forced me to stop playing.
Expressions: Where do you play handball?
Weinschenk: I go down to the YMCA all the time! I absolutely love the game.
Expressions: Why do you play handball?
Weinschenk: I play it because it requires you to use both sides of your body and is a tremendous workout. It requires you to use brain power and almost every muscle in your body.