At San Luis Obispo High School, a comedy television series that continues to bring fun to students each weekend is “Saturday Night Live” (“SNL”). “SNL”, being on cable television since 1975, is the longest running sketch comedy show on US television, as well as the longest-running variety show in US history. This comedy series has survived through multiple eras of television, but now as it heads into this new era of television, the question must be asked: will it survive the huge amount of people leaving cable television for the comfort of streaming services? Expressions sat down with senior Hannah Peterson, juniors Bella Gerencser and Wyatt Dodd, and sophomore Maggie Zuniga to hear their thoughts on the subject.
Expressions: How often do you watch Saturday Night Live?
Senior Hannah Peterson: Probably once a week or every two weeks.
Junior Bella Gerencser: Typically every other Saturday.
Junior Wyatt Dodd: I watch it usually once every month or whenever someone who I am a big fan of is hosting the show.
Sophomore Maggie Zuniga: Every week.
Expressions: What is your favorite thing about Saturday Night Live?
Peterson: I love the “Weekend Update” segment with comedians Colin [Jost] and Michael [Che].
Gerencser: At the moment, my favorite thing is the constant roasting towards comedian Pete Davidson.
Dodd: The great comedians it gives a platform to, my favorite being comedian Fred Armisen, who I actually met in Washington.
Zuniga: The diversity of the cast and show and how real they are.
Expressions: How do you watch Saturday Night Live?
Peterson: I watch it on YouTube.
Gerencser: On TV and occasionally I’ll watch clips on YouTube.
Dodd: Hulu.
Zuniga: Hulu.
Expressions: With the number of streaming devices around today, do you think “SNL” will survive (in regards to the live part of the show)?
Peterson: Of course it’ll survive! It creates a new level of humor because of the fact it’s live. Also, live audiences make the show way more hype.
Gerencser: I think that, because there are so many streaming devices, “SNL” will definitely survive and potentially be able to expand their platform to other options, making it accessible to more people who rely on their phones or anything other than cable really.
Dodd: I think it will survive, but the number of live viewers will definitely go down. I don’t predict that it will be taken off of the live air, however. It’s what makes “SNL” unique.
Zuniga: Yes, 100 percent. I watch it on a streaming platform, but the demand is still high.