The San Luis Obispo High School girls softball season has now started. The team is very excited to get up and running with their first games this Saturday, February 16.
Softball is more than just throwing and catching a ball, it is a lifestyle. The players use skills such as thinking under pressure, handling different situations, and have the ability to work with other people as a team. Everyone on the team is a part of the family. They are very close and push each other to be the best versions of themselves. At every practice, each player will improve, whether it be at their throwing technique, getting low when they field a grounder and many other aspects of the game.
Varsity softball coach Sheila McGuire and junior varsity coach Sybill Haley are like mothers to everyone on the team. They make sure each player works her hardest and monitors everything from how the team acts to what they will do during practice.
The girls varsity team will be playing at home on Saturday, and the junior varsity team will be playing an away game in Santa Maria High School. The girls will dominate the playing field, showing their tiger spirit every time they walk in and out of the dugout by yelling, “Tiger Pride!” This comes to show how supportive the teammates transpire towards their school. Fellow classmates wish all SLOHS softball girls to do well throughout their upcoming games. Go Tigers!