With the precautions and safety measures that San Luis Obispo High School takes in order to ensure safety among its students, many glance over the fact that theirs and many others’ lives are threatened daily. The roads of San Luis Obispo are dangerous ones, with fast-paced college students and stressed out parents rushing throughout the entirety of the day, resulting in occurrences where one could get severely injured from an automobile.
To combat this, SLOHS has employed one of our own as a crossing guard, located at the intersection of San Luis Dr. and California Boulevard. Many question why this is necessary, asking, “Why do we need a crossing guard? No one has ever been hit,” Well these people are ignorant, for crossing guard and special education teacher Roy Bean the Third has single-handedly protected this sanctuary from the evils of the rushing world.
“It was 7:45 on a Tuesday morning, and I hadn’t eaten breakfast or drank my full cup of coffee. As I was walking across the crosswalk, I didn’t expect at the last minute to hear screaming and have Bean jump in front of me as some crazy mom and her car almost ran me over. Roy put himself between the car and me and saved my life,” said English teacher Scott Nairne.
With many overlooking the good deeds that Bean performs, they also skim over the hard-hitting fact that he is the single protector of our school, prioritizing others over himself at SLOHS. If anything were to go wrong at SLOHS, Bean would step up to the podium, ready to do his job.
Once you see Bean’s hand raised in the air, along with his octagonal red stop sign, remember to show some dignity and respect to the man that guides your children and fellow students across the road in the morning, because he may just save their lives one day.