California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo encountered an incident last year where a fraternity member painted his face black for a party. Many people were offended so Cal Poly has recently created the Inclusive Excellence Action Plan to prevent this from happening again. Expressions decided to report on what exactly Cal Poly is doing and how it is helping.
“I occasionally have to attend meetings where we discuss diversity and racism at Cal Poly. I believe we are spending close to 300,000 dollars on this administration, and I believe it is needed to avoid another incident like ‘blackface’ from happening again,” said Dairy Science professor and Herd manager Rich Silacci.
San Luis Obispo High School students also have their opinions on whether this administration is worth the money and time.
“I think it’s a good idea but I don’t think it is necessary to spend 300,000 dollars on this when they could just learn from their mistakes and the consequences that the fraternity received from their actions,” said senior Caden Naran.
Although learning from mistakes is the best possible outcome from this incident many people do not believe it will nearly be as useful as this administration.
“With all the publicity and hate Cal Poly got, I think that the diversity administration is needed no matter the cost,” said junior Grace Gibson.
Cal Poly is taking all the drastic measures to assure that incidents like this will never happen again. We can only wait and find out if this very expensive administration works.