Finals are always an intense time at San Luis Obispo High School and students have many different ways of de-stressing during finals. Expressions talked to a few students about their techniques to de-stress as a reflection for next trimester.
“I take CBD oil before the test, and try to cope my way through it.” said sophomore Jayda Monreal.
While finals are stressful for everyone, some people it hits a little bit harder and it is important to find coping methods. Some use meditation or mindful breathing, some use journaling, others use fidget toys, music, and or essential oils.
“I just eat well get a reasonable amount of sleep and study for as long as needed. Overall, I calm myself down and leave it to the fates. ” said sophomore Drew Vander Weele
Finals create levels of anxiety for everyone, though more for some than others, everyone values ways to de-stress. It is important to be nice to other people, and be there for anyone on campus if you see them struggling. We all go through it at some point or another.