Rodica A Caprau
During this time of year, San Luis Obispo High School seniors are under lots of pressure with college application deadlines approaching rapidly. SLOHS students must be very thorough and thoughtful when filling out college applications, making them very intense.
“[Applications] are actually something that has to be perfect, any error is a missed opportunity,” said senior Jack Martin.
The applications can also be quite taxing emotionally because they require you to look deep into yourself as a person.
“Your worth is judged on a few questions and 650 words,” said senior Madeline Fletcher.
Time management will alleviate this daunting task, therefore, knowing the deadlines for the colleges that you are applying to is crucial because they all vary based on the type of college you are applying to and the type of admission you are doing: early action, regular decision, rolling admission, etc.
Common types of colleges SLOHS students apply for are California State University and University of California schools.
“These applications are due November 30, I highly recommend you submit them before that,” said career and college technician Colleen Martin.
Other colleges that people may be applying for are private and out of state schools.
“[Find the deadline] for any college either by adding that college to your common application, then it will show up or on every single school website they have due dates, often private schools will have more than one due date,” said Martin.
There are an immense amount of opportunities through SLOHS to complete the college applications.
“We encourage all students to have their counselors review the application; we’re [also] holding lots of college application workshops in the 507 lab. We’re going to be there three late start Mondays and three weeks on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at lunch,” said Martin.