Every summer the water polo players of San Luis Obispo High School spend their evenings at Sinsheimer pool practicing for the upcoming fall season. Playing water polo every weeknight from 7-9pm does not leave much room for these dedicated students to have a summer vacation or, even a break from the pool.
“Some schools and CIF Sections have rules that prohibit any contact between coaches and student-athletes to help ensure that there is ‘down time’ for both the players and coaches. This is typically called a ‘dead period.’ You must talk with your school athletic director to see what your school allows.” According to cifstate.com
Expressions talked to a few SLOHS water polo players about their plans for their ‘three week summer.’
Expressions:Are you excited to start the summer water polo practicing?
Senior Mark Erbstoesser: I am very excited.
Senior Thomas Prater: Yes! I am very excited it should be a lot of fun.
Senior John Erbstoesser: I am very excited as well.
Expressions: Do you have any big plans for the dead period?
Erbstoesser: Well for me personally it’s a time for me to reflect on my game and what i can do in the future to help my team better.
Prater: I plan on staying in shape so I do not lose everything I’ve gained.
Erbstoesser: We might go on vacation to Montana, but I’m not sure.
Expressions:What is the best part of playing water polo over the summer?
Erbstoesser: During the school year I lose my passion for the game, but summer is when i regain my passion for water polo.
Prater: The best part of playing water polo over the summer is that it keeps me in shape. It’s also great way to hang with some pretty rad guys. We’re like a family out there.
Erbstoesser: Summer is the time for our team to get together, work hard, and hopefully win some games.