As the school year comes to a close, most seniors are headed off to college. However, some have decided to take a different path. San Luis Obispo High School senior Ayanna Miller decided going straight to college wasn’t for her, and has opted to go to Africa on a wildlife conservation trip. Expressions sat down with her to discuss her goals and what she hopes to take away from her exciting trip abroad.
Expressions: What part of Africa are you going to?
Senior Ayanna Miller: I’m going to South Africa, Lesotho, Mozambique, and Swaziland over the course of eight weeks. I get to do a lot of fun things, some of it is for fun like hiking and surfing, but most of it is working with animals at national parks and game reserves.
Expressions: Why did you decide to take this trip?
Miller: I decided to take this trip because while there is a lot I can learn in college, I feel like it’s different than actually going out and experiencing the world for yourself.
Expressions: What are you hoping to take away from the trip?
Miller: I’m working towards a career in environmental science, specifically wildlife conservation, so I’m hoping to get some experience with animals in Africa that I wouldn’t be able to get anywhere else. I’ve also never been anywhere outside of North America, so I’m hoping to get some travel experience and meet new people along the way.
Expressions: When did you become interested in helping the environment? What steps did you take to get more involved?
Miller: I’ve always been really passionate about animals, I grew up with them. I became even more inspired when I took the environmental science class offered at school. I also joined Environmental Club and did things like beach cleanups and hikes with them.
Expressions: What advice do you have for others who are looking to get involved in helping the environment?
Miller: There are always different volunteer opportunities to do around town, like beach or river cleanups, or if you want to work with animals you could volunteer at Woods Humane Society. Also, becoming educated on the state of the environment by taking classes and watching documentaries has really helped me learn more about what I want to do.