It’s November 4, 2013. Oakland, California resident Sasha Fleischman identifies as agender, wears a skirt, and naps on the public bus 57 home from school. Two teenagers suddenly flick a lighter. Fleischmann’s skirt goes up in flames, causing third degree burns on Sasha’s thighs and calf. One of the teenagers, 16 year old Richard Thomas is later convicted of a hate crime and is sentenced to jail for seven years.
This is not a fictional story.
The successful novel “The 57 Bus” by Dashka Slater is based on this true crime story. The book also addresses teenage issues including the struggle with being transgender in our society and bullying.
Tomorrow, Thursday, May 3, San Luis Obispo High School has the honor to host Slater and hear her presentation about the book. SLOHS librarian Jennifer Sawyer has been instrumental in getting this author visit.
“This chance to read and discuss ‘The 57 Bus’ across our school community, combined with the author assembly, represents a unique opportunity that we’ve been given to reflect on issues of inclusivity, gender, race, social justice and forgiveness. I’ve been so impressed as I’ve been invited in to different classrooms to hear the level and engagement of discussion coming from students as they work through these and other issues. My hope is that we will all come away from the assembly tomorrow understanding how important it is to look carefully at all angles of an issue to find the truth,” said Sawyer.
The school wide assembly will be held during third period, divided into two groups.
Junior David Bear, who has recently just heard about Sasha Fleischman’s story, told Expressions how excited he is to meet the author, who put the tragic event into a book.
“When I first heard that Mrs. Slater will visit the school, I got really happy. I just think that the book deals with a serious but important topic. I hope the students will ask a lot of questions,” said Bear.
Expressions hopes to see every student in the gym this upcoming Thursday.