Tryouts for the San Luis Obispo High School Improv. Club have come to a close this week. Expressions interviewed junior Improv. member Jack R. Martin to see what is down the road for Improv. Club.
Expressions: Do you think enough people tried out for improv to keep it alive for next year?
Junior Jack R. Martin: Oh yeah, totally. Even though we had a lot more spots to fill than we usually do, enough people tried out so we could fill those spots. We were hoping a lot of people would come so we could get a real density of talent, which is what improv really requires.
Expressions: Does the improv troupe have any final shows or events coming up?
Martin: Maybe. The last show is still up in the air because normally tryouts are done after the final show. This is a huge maybe from me. If there was going to be a show it would only be one more though.
Expressions: What has been your favorite scene you have ever done?
Martin: My favorite scene was this one time, we were playing this game called inner conscience. It’s a game where people are acting out a scene and you are called upon to say the inner thoughts of the character. The scene was some actors were trapped in an Ikea when it was closed, and I was called upon. At this point I wasn’t very confident in this game, I thought I was terrible at it. I just stood up and said ‘I want to do to him what I do to my Ikea furniture and screw it together.’ and everyone laughed for like 30 seconds and I felt really good because I crave attention.
Expressions: Do you have any advice for the students who have tried out?
Martin: Your opinion about yourself, I assure you, is wrong. I thought and think that I’m bad at improv but people tell me I’m not. Even if you feel like you can’t do it, yes you can. Take it from someone who has low self esteem, you can do it.