The counselors at San Luis Obispo High School work hard every day to help students with whatever they might need. After so many schedule changes and personal conflicts stacking up, it might become a stressful job. SLOHS has over 1500 students, and when there are only three counselors, an addition could potentially help. It was just recently confirmed by Leslie O’Connor that we will have another counselor joining us in the upcoming school year. The new counselors are definitely excited about the new addition to the SLOHS team.
“It’s definitely a step in the right direction! We used to have five and 1/2 counselors and 1200 students. Now we have three counselors and over 1500 students. We should be closer to 1600 students next year, so having an additional counselor should help us do a better job and meet the needs of our students and their families,” said counselor Shelly Benson.
The counselors at SLOHS do everything they can to make sure that the school year is going smoothly. When it comes to the students at SLOHS and their schedules, that’s when the counselors step in.
“Trimesters make us change schedules three times a year instead of two if we were on semesters. We each have over 500 students, so “busy” doesn’t begin to describe our year so far,” said counselor Heather Senecal.
Making sure students succeed throughout high school is one of their top priorities. The new addition to the counseling staff will be a relief for everyone. Finding a perfect counselor to match the already amazing ones will be a mission. I hope everyone is excited to the new counselor to join SLOHS in the upcoming school year.