Local artist Bryn Forbes combines photography with digital painting, mosaics, and mathematically generated art to create stunning cityscapes filled with mesmerizing patterns and colors in his exhibit “A Light Behind Every Window”. San Luis Obispo High School students can go view his artwork at the San Luis Obispo Museum of Art (SLOMA). A photographic collage full of layers and multiple images transposed on one another, Forbes’s works are usually photographic composite printed on aluminum, often with titles just as captivating as the photographs themselves, such as “He Built So Many Filters to Survive.”
“I love the way that he uses so much color and depth in his artwork. A lot of classic paintings that you see in museums are so flat and uninspiring compared to his,” said senior Grace Berscheid. Some of his images feature chaotic scenes of cities filled with lit up buildings, busy streets, and images of bridges transposed on the background. Others have transparent images of people laid on top of the scene such as “Woman in Kimono, Looking Over Left Shoulder, Perhaps Sad”. A few of his simpler images feature up close looks at the intricate geometry of buildings and windows.
Not only does Forbes have his amazing photography on display, he also has a few video collages of similar style to his photos, where one can watch cars, people, and busses move through the city scape from multiple different videos laid on top of one another.
Forbes combines art and technology in a way which is unprecedented and amazing. Be sure to check out his exhibit at the SLOMA where it will be on display until January 28. For more information, click here.