With the record-breaking high temperature of 114 degrees in San Luis Obispo, should students still be at San Luis Obispo High School? As many students complain about the heat, it seems to be the only thing students are focused on. Should teachers even have class if the temperature is so high?
“I believe that we shouldn’t have school during the high heat because it’s hard to focus on what the teacher is saying when all we care about is how hot it is outside and how we just want to go home and cool off,” said freshman Ellen Manning. Although most students would agree with Manning, there are some who would disagree.
“I hate the heat, but school is school. We have air conditioning in our rooms, so it makes up for it. Say we do miss a couple of days due to the weather, we would still have to make them up later,” said sophomore Xiao Gin.
With the high temperatures being a distraction, teachers and administrators should reconsider school protocols during the warm, intense weather. I believe we shouldn’t have school because the hell-like weather affects how students learn.