Graduating early has traditionally been a privilege for seniors at San Luis Obispo High School, and this year students have really taken advantage of it. We have over 15 students graduating early, with plans of traveling, working, or just hanging out at home. Expressions interviewed Karly Bonzi, Lily Larkin, Alex Tappen, and Carly Donk to see what their plans are for the next few months and their reasoning for graduating early.
Expressions: Why did you decide to graduate early?
Senior Karly Bonzi: I am graduating early because I would have had 12 electives. Also, I can be making money instead of taking classes that I don’t want to take.
Senior Carly Donk: I’m graduating early not only because there are no teacher assistants, no reduced day, and I have finished all of my credits, but because I will have this time to continue improving in photography.
Senior Alex Tappen: Because why not.
Senior Lily Larkin: I chose to graduate early because I would have been enrolled in four electives third trimester. It seemed pointless to stay.
Expressions: What are your plans for the next few months?
Bonzi: I will be working full time. I am also traveling for a little as well.
Donk: I’m planning on focusing on photography, filmmaking, and working.
Tappen: I’m moving to Colorado to start working for college in the Fall.
Larkin: I’ll be volunteering at French hospital. I will also be working before I travel during the summer. Expressions: Do your parents support this decision?
Bonzi: Yeah they fully support it. They would rather me be working and traveling than being in a bunch of electives.
Donk: They support it.
Tappen: Sure.
Larkin: No, it took a couple months to convince them, and they still aren’t too pleased with it. Expressions: If you could do anything within the next few months, without money as a concern, what would you do?
Bonzi: I would definitely travel as much as possible.
Donk: If money wasn’t an issue, I’d probably travel out of the country and go to South Africa, Australia, and Greece.
Tappen: I’d go to Japan.
Larkin: I would go to Greece for 6 months!