The San Luis Obispo High School boys basketball team is hard at work with their busy practicing schedule and rigorous tournaments. Winning nine games so far, the tigers are off to a great start.
Expressions got the opportunity to talk with varsity team member junior Jameson Agapay, who transferred from Morro Bay High School at the beginning of the year, asking him how it was to transition from a pirate to a tiger.
Expressions: How is SLOHS different from MBHS in your opinion?
Junior Jameson Agapay: Well, since MBHS is smaller everyone knows everyone, and people are closer together. I feel like SLOHS isn’t as close in terms of knowing everyone. MBHS is also very laid back, and everyone just goes with the flow.
Expressions: How is it different in terms of basketball?
Agapay: I feel like SLOHS has more talent and the practices and games are at a faster pace.
Expressions: Were you on the basketball team at MBHS both your freshman and sophomore year?
Agapay: Yes, I played on their JV team both my freshman and sophomore year.
Expressions: Do you feel as though the coaching style is different?
Agapay: It is a lot more organized, the coaching is more intense.