It is a common sight on campus to see a small huddle of freshmen crouched around the nearest trashcan, each of them with a Tech Deck in hand, performing “tricks” on the grimy lids. The Tech Deck fad has become so prevalent many teachers have began to outlaw the distracting Tech Decks from their classrooms. However, there may be a new trend spreading among our San Luis Obispo High School freshmen: YoYos.
“Tech Decks and YoYos used to be popular a long time ago and now they are back in,” said freshman Ruby Houghton.
Now as students roam about school not only are packs of freshmen playing with Tech Decks, but almost always a few amongst them will be playing with YoYos as well.
“Tech Decks became old because too many people were getting them, so they switched up the trends. Now everyone thinks it’s cool to YoYo,” said freshman Hayden Goodwin.
This trend has gone so far as to actually endanger SLOHS students. Our very own junior John Polvi almost was in a serious bike crash due to the yoyo-ing fad.
“My friend Josh was YoYo-ing while he was biking and he told me to try it, so I did. Then I almost fell off my bike,”said Polvi.
It appears that YoYo-ing has become a new staple of SLOHS culture, despite it being often distracting and occasionally dangerous.