When I asked my friends in Norway who’d also been exchange students what they didn’t like about the American school system, they always answered the same thing: “Having the same schedule everyday.”
In Norway we have a different schedule everyday, Monday-Friday. The Norwegian school system makes some days seem short while others seemed long. A student can have all of their “fun” classes one day and all the hard classes the next.
Here in America, every day is the same length (except Mondays because of the late start), and the classes are divided more equally. In Norway we can, for example, have two hours of physical education in one week and four hours of math.
A perk of having the same schedule every day is also that it’s easier to remember, as in Norway some don’t even bother to learn the schedule until the last few months of the year.
One of the perks of the Norwegian system is that you often have a lot of time to do your homework, because a teacher couldn’t give you homework due the next day because he or she wouldn’t have you the next day.
One way is not better than the other, but I prefer the Norwegian way just like some would prefer the American way. The American school system surprised me in a positive way, but some people might prefer variation.