Every sport has a “Hell Week”, and for San Luis Obispo High School Tiger Cheer, Universal Cheerleaders Association’s cheer camp at the University of California, Santa Barbara is truly hell. 14 hour days, four days of pure exhaustion and frustration compacted into of working out, preparing and perfecting routines, and stunting in 95 degree heat. Best described as “… fun and so exhausting, mentally and physically… In a few words I would say sunburns, hot instructors, peppy people, third day team breakdown, emotional senior send off, All-American tryout [is] stress, fun, memorable,” said senior Victoria Humphrey.
Blood, sweat, and tears fall from every cheerleader’s body, and as our coach Aly Mantell tells us, “you had water yesterday!”. Tiger Cheer’s Varsity Squad has always been put at the “elite” level of stunting, and has always excelled in the stunt categories of our sport. From extensions to twist baskets, SLO High Cheer is able to showcase their advanced stunting techniques, especially in comparison to other local schools. Tiger Athletes have not only advanced in their ability to stunt, but also their abilities to perform more difficult dances, as well as put together more advanced routines for halftimes and rallies. My personal past four years of experience have always led to our athletes ending the exhausting week with trophies in hand. While techniques are being advanced, so are friendships and connections with coaches, meeting cheerleaders from several different school is always a blast! Though difficult and frustrating, UCA has prepared our athletes accordingly for our season.
“Cheer camp is such an awesome experience! It’s a great way to form the foundation for teamwork and trust amongst the team,” said senior Alicia Miller.
Personally favoring the dancing and stunting sections of camp, the connections that you make with your teammates is irreplaceable and incomparable. Cheer Camp may be hell, but it’s the experience that cannot be matched by any other; to quote junior Anela Brebes, “It was worth the sunburn.”