This Tuesday, April 26, inspirational speaker Summer Jessee will be coming to San Luis Obispo High School to talk about fostering healthy relationships and the warning signs of Domestic Violence, or Intimate Partner Violence (IPV). Organized by San Luis Obispo High School’s Love Is Not Abuse (LINA) club, the lunchtime talk will take place in the lecture demo room. LINA will also be giving away a Hydroflask, Yogurt Creations gift cards, and more. There will also be free pizza and drinks.
“It’s important that people attend because it’s a very serious topic that young adults like us should be educated on. It’s more common than one would think. It happens to one in three women and one in four men during their lifetime. I myself witnessed and was abused by my father along with my mother and sister, so I know firsthand the importance of being in the know. It happens to both women and men, gay or straight. Anyone can be a victim and everyone should be informed,” said LINA president and founder junior Rachel Burns.
Jessee, whom Burns became acquainted with through Fellowship of Christian Athletes coordinator Ryan Pahler, will help students recognize “warning signs and red flags” of IPV, and will help students obtain tools to create and maintain healthy relationships. Don’t miss this amazing opportunity!