San Luis Obispo High School Science Teacher Amanda Ballentine’s Marine Biology class gets the amazing opportunity to travel outside of the classroom this Wednesday, thanks to the micro marine class being a part of the science department. Each year, the science classes switch off, and it was time for micro marine again. Instead of being the cadaver field trip like last year for anatomy, it has switched to the tide pool walk on the beach of Cayucos. The Cayucos tide pools are known for their amazing views and wildlife at certain times during the day and 65 students have the opportunity to go to study first-hand the species mentioned in lessons to create a better understanding of the diverse wildlife and their natural habitats. Ballentine shares some more information about the field trip and her hopes for what the students will learn by experiencing the habitat first-hand. Kyle Harmon, the new Cal Poly student teacher, is also helping to lead the class and explore the tide pools as well.
Expressions: Why did you decide to go to Cayucos for the best tide pool experience?
Science Teacher Amanda Ballentine: Because it’s a nice rocky shore! Montaña de Oro is also a really nice place to get a good tide pool experience.
Expressions: How many times have you done this field trip for SLOHS?
Ballentine: This will be the third time that I have done it. Two other teachers did it before me.
Expressions: What is usually your favorite part of this trip?
Ballentine: My favorite part is when we find animals that people in our group haven’t seen before like nudibranchs which are really exciting. Also, finding octopi is pretty cool too.
Expressions: What do you hope for students to learn while at the tide pools?
Ballentine: I hope that students start to appreciate the life that’s here on the central coast and show more interest in invertebrates as well.
Expressions: What would you say to students wanting to take this class later in their high school career? Any advice?
Ballentine: Take it! My biggest advice for success would have to be to study every night, 15 minutes. Every night!
Expressions: How do you think that trips into different habitats will help students grasp a better respect for nature?
Student Teacher Kyle Harmon: They’ll be able to determine how the different ecosystems intertwine and see how if one ecosystem gets damaged, the others will as well.
Expressions: What is your favorite marine animal and why?
Harmon: I’m a big seahorse fan. I love seahorses.