Whether we’d like to admit to it or not, Donald Trump and his terrifying cult of political activists that are called his valiant supporters are continually in the media’s spotlight. The primaries have proved terrifyingly thus far for those who support the extreme opposite of Trump: Bernie Sanders. Due to Trump being the theoretical Republican candidate with a 39.9 percent lead and with Hillary Clinton being the theoretical Democratic candidate with a 54.0 percent lead against Sanders, liberals for Sanders are feeling hopeless. Keeping these statistics in mind, many have turned to the idea of voting for Trump if Clinton gets the nomination, or even not voting at all. A majority of the San Luis Obispo High School senior class has the power to vote in this upcoming election, and it’s crucial they take advantage of their right to vote.
“Doing that would be the equivalent of going ‘oh, I can’t get into my ideal college ‘X’, so I’m just going to go to the worst college possible because I’m angry and I want to ruin my future’,” said senior Sydney Leonard.
It’s true, and the underlying sentiment prevalent in society of “my vote doesn’t matter” has only been amplified.
Clinton has been scrutinized for her past judgment as a radical Republican, and for good reason. Her support for governors in favor of re-segregation, her negative demeanor towards the public, and her unsteady political stances during her career are few of the several reasons she’s quickly been noted as a hateful candidate.
In spite of this, people quickly lose sight of the fact that Trump is far worse than Clinton would ever be in the present. The racist and money-crazed “politician” has plenty of ideas, with no legitimate plans to execute them. This goes without saying, as you can watch any debate he’s in, listen to any interview he took part in, or read any of his proposals to note that if elected, haphazard acts will ensue.
Although a quick overview of the issue, the message is clear: Clinton would be better to run this country than Trump. Being reluctant and stubborn by not voting or, even worse, voting for Trump if Clinton is the Democratic nominee is childish, and only sets a negative example for future outlooks. Voting for Trump rather than Clinton if nominated will only engender negative effects over the country, and not voting at all throws away the significance of holding the right to vote. Having the businessman as the leader of our country would far surpass the damage Clinton’s presidency ever would.
But who knows, maybe the Bern will rage on over the American people, and maybe Kasich will be for us after all, and the only issue we would have as voters is worrying about Trump’s hurt feelings for losing the nomination. The bottom line remains to be the fact that voting is necessary to participate in, as is staying humble.