The annual SLO Color Blast Fun Run held in honor of San Luis Obispo High School student Alex Maier (#23) is now being held on April 23 due to the recent weather conditions. The event, with the motto Maier admired of “choose happy,” is meant to be a celebration of life and a chance to cherish deceased loved ones for all who participate, as well as the community as a whole.
“The color run is a way to positively remember my brother and his attitude towards life and the happiness he brought to others,” said junior Leah Maier.
The run takes place at SLOHS and is a noncompetitive five kilometer course that wraps around the SLOHS campus. Although being a part of the run/walk is exciting, there are also volunteer opportunities that are available through this honorable event.
All of the proceeds from the $35 registration fee from the event go directly to a scholarship fund created in recognition of Maier which has aided SLOHS seniors every year.
Besides paying a registration fee that would help the scholarship fund, Leah Maier said, “there is a way to directly donate by going on the website or writing a check to Alex Maier Memorial fund and giving it to the school!”
For more information and updates about this event, visit slocolorblast.com.