Wild students letting their inner leprechauns come out. Photo courtesy of Medium.
Many believe that leprechauns are nothing more than figures of fiction, but the truth is that everyone can be a leprechaun, including everyone at San Luis Obispo High School.
Being a leprechaun is a state of mind. It’s about embracing life’s teensy tiny lil’ magical moments, and recognizing that we are small creatures wearing silly clothes, dancing little jigs.
“Having a little bit of leprechaun…means being mischievous, being curious, being funny, all these things, all these characteristics are a little bit of leprechaun in your background, a little bit of leprechaun that’s coming out from inside your spirit,” said freshman Nelly Rourke.
In SLOHS students’ daily lives, there might not always be room for a mischievous and fun-loving spirit.
Studies show that 33 percent of Irish people believe in leprechauns, according to Irish Examiner, but this doesn’t mean that you have to be Irish to be a leprechaun.
“Yes, you’re more likely to be a leprechaun if you are Irish, but anyone can be a leprechaun…It’s like ratatouille. Anyone can cook,” said Rourke.
Anyone can be a leprechaun, it’s all in the mind. However, some SLOHS students believe that to be a leprechaun, one must be genetically coded to be a short irish man at the end of the rainbow.
“I’m not a leprechaun because I’m not short and green,” said sophomore Jamie Momtazee.
However, this is not the case at all. Because a staggering 66 percent of people don’t believe in physical, mischievous creatures at the end of the rainbow, we have the freedom to allow our leprechaun-like hearts to take over the namesake of being a leprechaun. So, sure, two thirds of people don’t believe in leprechauns. And sure, most San Luis Obispo High School students don’t wear green top hats daily (for now), but anyone can have a little bit of mischief in their mind and a little bit of magic in their heart.
So stay curious, Tigerfolk, and remember to let your inner leprechaun come out every once in a while. They deserve it.
Sources: irishexaminer.com, positivepsychology.com