It’s important to vote for your beliefs. Photo courtesy of Calmatters.org.
Many reforms have taken place in California since the 2024 presidential election in November. Although there were ten propositions on the ballot this year, only six gained popular support and passed. Many San Luis Obispo High School students will be affected by these new reforms.
Among these new reforms are proposition 2, 36, and 3.
Proposition 2 promises to put ten million dollars towards the funding and repairing of the state’s public schools and universities.
The intent of Prop 3 is to solidify LGTBQ+ protections in the California Constitution. Prop 3 enshrined same-sex marriage by repealing prop 8 passed in 1987 that defined “marriage” as an act only between a man and a woman.
Proposition 36 vows to increase penalties for drug trafficking and theft, causing many misdemeanors to become felonies. Although this proposition was placed on the ballot to combat drug trafficking and a recent spike in commercial burglary, many are worried about overcrowding in prisons, and poor conditions in said prisons due to forced labor overcrowding.
“This is a problem for many reasons: putting people in prison for theft and drug possession does not target the root of the problem (addiction, corporate greed, poverty etc.) and puts even more people in prison for harsher sentences than they deserve,” said junior Charly Elston.
Among the unpassing propositions are proposition 6 and proposition 32. Proposition 6 was focused on limiting forced labour in state prisons to only those willing to work.
“Prop 6 was the biggest in my opinion this time. It would essentially prevent involuntary servitude which would end legal slavery in California.” said Elston.
Proposition 32 would have tackled low wages, raising Californian minimum wages to eighteen dollars per hour, potentially affecting many working SLOHS students. A proposition aimed at helping Californians working for minimum wage, this proposition may have also attacked small business owners, making it harder to pay their employees.
“I think that it is a shame that it didn’t get passed as with rising prices for rent, food and the cost of living in general I think that minimum wage workers should be able to afford basic amenities,” said senior Tyler Hagobian.
Although opinions on state laws may vary, it’s important to stay informed. So stay informed, Tigers, and check out the rest of the new California State Propositions!