Students have to use the bathroom sign out sheet in addition to carrying the new passes around. Photo courtesy of sophomore Gabrielle Neer.
San Luis Obispo High School made the addition of a new rule for bathroom breaks to cut down on missed class time this school year. Students are now hassled to wear a hall pass on their way to the bathroom or else they will be stopped by a teacher and face disciplinary action.
The campus of SLOHS makes other high school campuses look miniature in comparison. There are too many students walking around campus and not enough teachers to cover the space.
Since the first day of school, teachers have been informing and enforcing the new policy, explaining to students that this rule will hold them accountable. Even though the rule is being carried out, the same problem occurs.
Students also agree that the rule is inconvenient and ineffective.
“Having to put the [pass] on your desk every single time and sign in and sign out is a lot. I see people forget to do that every time,” said freshman Mari Padayache.
The only difference that these students see is the fact that these new rules are dragging out missed class time. The thought of having a communal bathroom pass clipped to student’s clothes makes students sick to their stomachs.
“Sanitation is kind of nasty with [pass], bringing it back and forth,” said Claire Fake.
The passes get dragged everywhere around the school. Who knows where they’ve been?
“It’s kinda unsanitary sometimes,” said senior Andrea Ramirez.
Since the rule has made its way into the school system, it has proved itself ineffective and a burden to carry out. Students are not only unfavorable of the steps of this procedure but they see its flaws and why it’s not working.
The rules have room for improvement and are bound to change. The question is when.