On Friday, the 13 of November, the world mourned over the loss of hundreds. Students at San Luis Obispo, because of what the media chooses to cover, were mainly only aware of the Paris bombings. The news has forgotten to outline the attacks in Baghdad, Syria, Beirut, Lebanon, and Malori. Guns and bombs are not the only thing that has taken the lives of hundreds of innocent people in the last week. Natural disasters have affected communities in Japan and Mexico. Although many lost their lives, there were the brave citizens who stepped up to save the lives of men with their wives and children. Among these heroes, a man named Adel Termos was responsible for saving the lives of hundreds.
On November 12, forty five people were killed and 239 were injured in a bombing in Borj el Barajneh, Beirut. Among these casualties was a newly engaged couple, a school teacher, a father of two with one on the way, a nurse, a third year law student, and a father of two, Adel Termos. After the first of the twin bombings went off, Termos, who was with his daughter, spotted the second bomber running right for the targeted mosque, which held inside the lives of hundreds. Termos immediately ran and tackled the bomber, causing the bomb to self-detonate, saving surrounding citizens, including his daughter. Today is the 8th day Adel Termos has not awoken to his family, but it is also the eighth day that so many in the Borj el Barajneh community have seen the morning sun.
Bassima Termos stated on behalf of her husband’s heroism, “I am alive, and happy, and proud of my husband who held our family name up high and honored us– He made us proud, put our heads up high, what more do I need? He gave me dignity, pride, and respect.”
Termos was not the only hero of the recent terrorist attacks. Keep the countless killed throughout the world in the past two weeks in your thoughts. Don’t pray specifically for Paris, pray for the world.