San Luis Obispo High School students have been enjoying the warm sunshine and the needed break from school. The long break can bring many opportunities for traveling, improving oneself, as well as spending time with family and friends.
“My favorite part of summer is the feeling when you wake up on the first day of summer and realize there is no school,” said junior Greyson Bramble.
For many, summer is the best time of the year. Almost all of SLOHS spends the last month of school counting down the days until they can sleep in and have limited worries.
“The best aspect of summer is the nice weather. I really enjoy being able to do what I want to without worrying about school or a busy schedule,” said junior Clover Crockett.
Everyone wants to have free time every once in a while and summer makes this possible. Students have had time to focus on their wants this summer. But for some these three months give the opportunity to experience life outside of San Luis Obispo.
“My plans for this summer are going to Hume Lake and a family vacation to Hawaii,” said junior Bella Ketchum.
Some students have plans to explore within the country while others have international trips planned.
“This summer I might take a trip to Spain with my older sister,” said junior Hanie Hernandez.
Summer is a perfect time to travel and enjoy nature. Enjoying nature doesn’t have to be on an extravagant vacation, it can be done here in SLO.
“Now that I live next to such sunny and nice beaches I’d like to go to the water as much as possible this summer,” said Bramble.
It’s important to get outside this summer and experience all the perks of the beautiful town. It can be easy to take summer for granted but it has to be remembered that it won’t last forever.
There are so many amazing beaches, hiking trails, and parks to visit in the area this summer; why not take advantage?
Make sure to make the best of this summer, don’t worry about summer ending but instead focusing on the present and how summer is spent, Tigers!