The upcoming Olympics will be happening in Paris, France, here’s the iconic logo of the event next to the Eiffel Tower. Photo courtesy of Fattiretours.com.
Today, July 26, 2024, the Olympic Games are starting in Paris, France. This sports event is known and enjoyed worldwide, and San Luis Obispo High School students are no exception.
This year, many events will be happening away from the stadiums, and most of the celebrations will occur at Champions Park, at the foot of the Eiffel Tower.
Students at SLOHS are very excited to watch them from the other side of the world, and they have a lot of confidence in the United States correctly representing the country’s strength, which is one of the main reasons they are attracted to the games.
“I like to watch America win in most of the sports, and it has good games. Also, [the Olympics] are usually on when there’s no basketball or football, so it’s the only thing to watch,” said senior Milo Nemetz.
However, many others are intrigued by the diversity of participants and culture exchange and the quality of their skills in each sport.
“I think it’s cool to see all the countries compete and see the best people at their events,” said sophomore Meredith Drake.
The Paris 2024 Olympic Sports list includes 40 sports, so SLOHS students have many options to choose from and be entertained by.
“I’m most excited for soccer because it’s getting very competitive, the US used to win a lot and now other countries are much better, and also basketball because I haven’t watched much of it but I’m getting into it more and more lately,” said Drake.
Still, some students don’t usually watch the Olympics for multiple different reasons.
“I don’t watch the Olympics, I wish I did because it seems really interesting. My family isn’t huge on watching them, but I hear about it from other people,” said senior Autumn Cannon.
Even if not every family watches the Olympic games, SLOHS students should take the initiative and find a way to watch their favorite sports being played by some of the best athletes in the whole world, whether it’s to simply enjoy the beauty in it or to learn from their techniques.
Tigers, make sure that during this 2024 Olympics, you take advantage of the opportunity to watch them.