Are teachers even using phone pockets? Photo courtesy of sophomore Aidan Field.
San Luis Obispo High School students have noticed the new phone policy and since this has been introduced, students have had a lot of mixed reviews.
“I don’t like my property in the [cell phone] pocket, it’s like I’m in a prison,” said freshman Addyson Killenberger.
Having phone pockets is an invasion of privacy and a lot of students have been feeling this way, especially after not being able to use phones during class.
“I think they’re highly unacceptable for our school because they promote things getting taken away from kids, even though we’re almost adults. I also think it promotes secrecy and hiding from the students,” said freshman Domi Osorio.
Cell phone pockets can make it inconvenient for students to use their phones during class and students feel like it’s an annoyance to not be able to use their phones.
Most teachers will either make students put their phone up all class or make students leave it in class when they leave the class.
“I teach freshmen; in my freshman classes, kids can’t focus if they have their phones. I hate the idea of cell phone pockets but it’s a sure fire way to know who has their phone and who doesn’t,” said English teacher Scott Nairne.
Even when they’re already finished with their work, having to put your phone up, and/or needing to drop it off before using the bathroom, can be time consuming for students.
Phone pockets are the bane of our existence and should go, Tigers.