One of SLOHS’ many great seniors. Photo courtesy of senior Gabe Limon.
Many seniors at San Luis Obispo High School go unnoticed by the student population. Expressions took a moment to ask senior Mitch Damron some questions to get to know him a little better.
Expressions: Which core class should be extended or reduced?
Senior Mitch Damron: English should be reduced, and history should be extended because by the time you get to junior year or sophomore year, once you have two years of English in, you basically have learned all that you need to, and it’s just the same stuff over and over again. With economics and government stuff we should start teaching it sooner or to more people for a longer time, we’d be better prepared to go off into the world as adults.
Expressions: What is your lowest grade, and why do you think that?
Damron: I have a C minus right now, that’s my lowest grade and I believe it’s in one of my elective classes just because I’ve had too much on my plate to turn in a couple of assignments and they’re nagging. Once I turn those in, it’ll go back up.
Expressions: What keeps you up at night?
Damron: The monsters under my bed, the stress of doing homework after a long day of work and activities, and just trying to balance the work-life with such a big load from school.
Expressions: What kind of food would you like to see in the cafeteria?
Damron: More snacks, more generic options. Not sodas or anything but smoothies or protein shakes or granola bars or things like that.
Expressions: What is your favorite utensil? Why?
Damron: I’m a big spoon guy because you know, I’m a big spoon. Very versatile utensil, and good cutlery. You never look at a spoon and go, wow, what a horrible spoon. You always look at a spoon like, Man, this is a great spoon.
You never know what people will preach, so tigers go out and meet new people on campus and ask them “What’s your favorite utensil?” because you never know what they will say and you could find your next friend for life.