Any frequent internet user must have stumbled across a person known as a weeaboo. A weeaboo is a term to describe American people obsessed with Japanese culture. This usually means anime, which is japanese cartoons, and cosplay, which is dressing up as fictional characters. However, some weeaboos own body pillows, which are life sized pillows of fictional characters, and more. Expressions had a chat with weeaboo sophomore Hayley Halls about her fondness of Japanese culture.
Expressions: What is your favorite anime?
Sophomore weeaboo Hayley Halls: “Black Butler” and “Ouran High School Host Club” because they’re cool.
Expressions: Do you own a body pillow? What of?
Halls: Eren Jaeger, main character of “Attack on Titan.”
Expressions: Who and what is “senpai”?
Halls: Senpai is a saying for someone who is older than you and you respect them. [My senpai] is [my friend] Ryan Wong.
Expressions: What does “kawaii” mean to you?
Halls: It means cute and adorable.
Expressions: Do you cosplay?
Halls: Yes.
Expressions: How often?
Halls: I cosplay like every two days.
Expressions: Have you ever been to Japan?
Halls: No.
Expressions: Are you learning Japanese in any way? How?
Halls: Yeah a little, from anime subtitles.
Expressions: Do you own any katanas?
Halls: No because I’m a girl.