The heavily anticipated fifth season of the horror television show, “American Horror Story,” aired on October 7 under the title “American Horror Story: Hotel”. The series, which focuses uniquely on a different story each season, has received especially positive reviews this time around. Although the recurring actors that audiences have grown to love (such as Evan Peters and Kathy Bates) are again present in this season, the addition of pop star Lady Gaga has especially been a subject of interest for all.
In the past, audiences have been presented with seasons that told stories of haunted houses, witches, and even asylums- there’s something for everyone. This season’s plot focuses on the eerie Cortez Hotel in Los Angeles, California that is run by an eccentric woman known as the Countess. As the season progresses, several hope to discover the motives of those who reside in the hotel, as they all seem to be maliciously inclined.
Despite there being two episodes of the season thus far, students as San Luis Obispo High School have found the series to be engaging.
When asked about the show’s shining aspects, such as Gaga’s involvement, senior Viviana Gonzalez said, “First I was worried that AHS employed the one, the only, Lady Gaga as a publicity stunt in order to get the show more attention. But…it works. I think they fit well together.”
The addition of Gaga has been received positively, however the loss of actress Jessica Lange has been a downfall for some.
“This season, I like the cast, but Jessica Lange made the last seasons so good and it sucks that she’s not in this season,” said junior Britania Lee.
Aside from the slight controversy regarding the cast of the television show, many are excited to see what its plot has to offer. The next episode of “American Horror Story: Hotel” airs on October 28, just in time for Halloween.