Social Science Teacher Marci Beddall started teaching American Government this year at San Luis Obispo High School, enthusiastically hoping to give students all the information they need to know about our political process and history, with the intention of better equipping them as future voters and taxpayers.
Expressions: How did you get interested in Government?
Social Science Teacher Marci Beddall: I became very politically minded in college, but even before that I was exposed to political discussions. My dad was a staunch republican and my mom was a democrat.
Expressions: What do you think is the most important thing you do for your students as a government teacher?
Beddall: I really try to make the class as applicable to their lives as possible. I keep it about current, real-world issues they’ll eventually have to make decisions on as adults.
Expressions: How important do you think it is for students to be politically conscious?
Beddall: Very important. We have lots of debates and discussions and it’s critical that people form their own opinions and use reliable sources back them up and not just parrot their parents. It’s not a problem that people are influenced by their parents, but they need to be able to make their own valid arguments. They need to be informed and able to see the other sides of current events and issues.
Expressions: What do you want your class to be like for students?
Beddall: I want it to be a safe space for students to express their opinions freely without judgment. We talk about so many things that students will eventually have to deal with as adults, and people should be able to come in and share their beliefs without feeling persecuted.
Expressions: You’re also involved with the volleyball teams here, what do you do and what is that like for you?
Beddall: I’m the head girls’ volleyball coach, and I will be the assistant boys’ coach this spring. It’s fun; I’m really lucky to have such a good group of girls. There’s never any drama; they all work really hard and are excited to be there.
Expressions: What’s something you do outside of school?
Beddall: I go to the beach a lot, and I really love to travel.