The clogged lunch line is a daily occurence. Does that make cutting OK? Photo Courtesy of freshman Che Brocco.
The majority of San Luis Obispo High School students have seen the line cutters at lunch for the free cafeteria food in the temporary cafeteria portable.
Granted, the lunch line set up has some flaws. it’s overcrowded and there is a curb in the middle of the line, but the biggest problem is people cutting the line.
Students have come up with an infinite amount of ways to get to the front these the line. The lunch staff can not keep up with the relentless amount of line cutters.
“This is a temporary hold until we get to the new building. The line cutting is atrocious. They come from the back, they come from the front, they come from the side I don’t have enough staff to accommodate that. I put in these walls right here to stop the passing of food. The hopping of the line I have to have someone stand right here and only allow a certain amount of kids in at one time and it prevents them from hopping the fence” said lunch staff member Sarah Rich.
But the lunch line is very long usually lasting around 10 minutes to get to the front and it usually spills out beyond the line set up area. This can interrupt the flow of the lunch line and make it longer for everyone else.
“There is never a reason to cut in front of another human, especially for food. That behavior belongs to the future dregs of society, and hope those students grow up. When I see this behavior, I always have a conversation with the student about being a better person as I send them to the end of the line,” said English teacher Scott Nairne.
SLOHS is continuously working on trying to bring order to the chaos. Rich has mentioned that the line cutting has gone down significantly since our last interview.
Hopefully, we will end up with a more functioning lunch system that will make cutting the line not necessary.