Twin Day photo courtesy of adviser Scott Nairne
It’s no secret that Homecoming Week is a universally loved time of the year for highschoolers across the nation. Whether it´s dressing up goofy each day, attending rallies, cheering on your school’s sports teams, or dancing with your crush by the end of the week.
Homecoming Week has been cherished amongst San Luis Obispo High School students for decades now. But with time comes alterations and changes to what we refer to as Homecoming Week. SLOHS Expressions set out to see what Seniors felt about this year’s Homecoming festivities compared to ones experienced in the past.
Expressions: What aspects of Homecoming Week do you tend to look forward to?
Senior Caesar Holifield: I´m really looking forward to dressing out for our homecoming athletic games this week, and getting a big crowd to show out for our SLOHS Tigers.
Senior Etienne Brennan: I think I typically start to get most excited when Friday hits because of the football game that day. Then when we wake up the next morning we get to start thinking about the getting ready process for the dance which is one of the most exciting parts. It’s such an amazing bonding experience with friends, so I’m definitely a little more reminiscent this year that it’s our last Homecoming.
Senior Sofi Shaw: I mean I feel like I´ve only experienced one homecoming before this but I’m looking forward to the homecoming game this year, which I did last year too. It’s just fun to see people, eat concession snacks and watch football.
Senior Sam O´Sullivan: Personally, I feel like the best part of Homecoming Week is seeing all the support for our sports teams and more people coming out to the games than on a usual basis.
Senior Alex Thorne: I definitely look forward to the dance the most. It’s such a great feeling to get done with a week of school and then have the dance as a reward to look forward to.
Expressions: As a senior what have you noticed is different about this year than past homecomings?
Holifield: I noticed that there were much more people in support for other sports like volleyball and waterpolo which normally only happens for football during this season, and going all out in spirit for those games which is great.
Brennan: Throughout the years the most noticeable change with Homecoming is the effect of our class getting closer and how it makes the whole experience more enjoyable.
Shaw: As a senior, it’s cool to see ASB trying to switch things up, like having two different rallies this week. I wouldn’t say many other aspects have changed too much though.
O´Sullivan: I don’t remember the homecoming tickets being free for ASB card holders from precious years, which is really awesome.
Thorne: This year there´s not as much experience with the underclassmen regarding dances. I feel like there hasn’t been as much school spirit, as upperclassmen we have to set the example for the school spirit that we are used to.
Make sure to remember that it’s more important to be spirited this week than to just not. Homecoming Week is the most heavily anticipated event of the school year, and this is your chance to make your mark in the SLOHS community!