San Luis Obispo High School students have experienced massive changes these past several weeks, no thanks to the spread and threat of COVD-19. One thing has not changed for those students, however, and that is their interest and love for music. Students are spending more time than ever listening to music — and in some cases their tastes in music have changed. Expressions set out to interview some of these music fans and figure out what they’re jamming to in this time of crisis.
Expressions: What genre of music are you normally drawn to?
Senior Davey Sanchez: Experimental indie.
Junior Zac Zang: I enjoy alternative music because it’s always something you’ve never heard before. It’s not someone emulating trends or dumbing the artistic value down to appeal to the masses.
Expressions: What is your favorite band/artist out right now?
Sanchez: American Football.
Zang: At the moment I really enjoy Death Grips because they have a very unique and wide range of music. Some of it’s jarring but at least it’s not the same saturated trash.
Expressions: What is your favorite song at the moment and how would you describe it?
Sanchez: “Weird Fishes” by Radiohead. It’s beautiful and it makes me question everything. Music does weird things to me. It can change everything sometimes.
Zang: I’d say “Thru the Walls” — it’s what I imagine it would be like to run away from some kind of primordial beast. It has funny little sounds that I find pretty neat.
Expressions: Has your music taste evolved or changed since the quarantine began?
Sanchez: My music taste hasn’t changed much. I find myself circling back to Midwest math rock, but there’s a genre for every situation.
Zang: I’ve been listening to less abstract songs. I recommend “Someone to Spend Time With” by Los Retros. It’s a really beautiful song.
Expressions: Do you think COVID-19 will stunt or help the music industry?
Sanchez: COVID-19 is forcing us musicians to be alone with our emotions, or to be alone with our emptiness. This is quite apparent in music that I have created and in the music I hear from peers and famous artists, and I’m even releasing a single soon, so be sure to check it out.
Zang: Hopefully some creativity will be brewed in the corona season.