What are Esports? Esports (electronic sports, e-sports, or eSports) are a form of sport competition using video games. Esports often takes the form of an organized multiplayer video game competition, particularly between professional players, individuals, or as teams. Many students at San Luis Obispo High School play ,compete, and obsess over this digital culture.
“I personally think that video games are a sport because the competitiveness through online gaming is very difficult and there’s a constant battle to be the best,” said junior Marc Ruiz.
There is big money involved when you are good at playing. Last year, sixteen-year-old Kyle Giersdorf took home $3 million after winning the inaugural “Fortnite World Cup” in New York. This was the largest prize ever awarded for a single player in a video game tournament.
“Yes, Video Games should be considered a sport. For one thing, it involves a lot of competition. Also there’s many people in this world who just love video games. For example, look at professional Fortnite players, they hold all their competitions at ESPORTS. It says SPORT in the name. “Fortnite” is not the only video game that involves competition. Look at all the other mainstream games like “Madden”,”NBA 2K”, and “Call of Duty.”
“There are many fans of the video game industry just like there are fans of the NFL or the NBA. In my opinion, video games falls under the category of sports,” said junior Giorgio Marsano.
ESports are now becoming accepted as a sport and competitive gamers are now being identified as athletes within society. One of the biggest arguments involving eSports is whether competitive video gaming can be defined as a sport.
The answer is now obvious.
Kill3r_apple05 • Apr 23, 2020 at 7:23 am
I’m the player on the far right (kill3r_apple05) found this by searching up my username.