For many reasons, middle fingers are really important in our lives. Most of the students at San Luis Obispo High School don’t think about how many things you would not be able to do without your middle fingers.
“I feel like middle fingers have multiple purposes, some are bad, some are good, but personally I think all of them are good. I would not be able to write without my middle finger, I would not be able to play volleyball, to set a ball. Also I could not play guitar. They are essential,” said junior Dasha Novotny.
If we stop for a moment and think about it, they are extremely important. You would not be able to play most sports, write, or do some of the things in your daily routine.
All of our ten fingers are essential even in our all-day life. For example, a mom that has to cook for her family, sports players, artist or children that want to throw a football. None of them would be able to do one of this actions or at least do it the same way without their middle fingers.
There are also other uses beside from the practical.
“When you are driving around and there are bad drivers you just have to put them in their place, or also if you friends are being mean to you, you can just flip them the bird,” said junior Nate Higgins.
People should value their fingers more and treat them better and more carefully to prevent injuries.