Just like any other high school, San Luis Obispo High School loves to throw amazing dances for their students. The Associated Student Body has assigned the task of planning this year’s Winter Formal to junior officers Sarah Attala, Oliver Hicks and Rutik Shinglot. These junior officers, with the help of the entire ASB, are determined to make January 30 a night to remember. Expressions interviewed the students to learn more about the upcoming dance.
Expressions: What is the theme of the dance, and how did you come up with it?
Sophomore Oliver Hicks: The theme is ‘A night in black and white’. We narrowed it down from three different themes. We chose this particular one because black and white is classic, clean and is easy to work with.
Expressions: How is this dance different from the rest?
Sophomore Rutik Shinglot: Well, class of 2018 is planning it, and we are pretty bomb, and so is the dance. On more serious note, it’s pretty much the same, the theme being the only difference.
Expressions: How is work load divided between among three officers?
Hicks: We pretty much go day by day with everything. We all work together, it is less delegating to one person and more of a team work. We want to make sure that we are on the same page at all times.
Expressions: Is the policy on breathalyzers still the same?
Sophomore Sarah Attala: Yes, the policy remains the same for every dance.
Expressions: What would you like to say to a person who has never been to this particular dance?
Attala: Even though it’s advertised more as a date dance, it’s a dance for everyone. You can bring a date or you don’t have to. Our goal is to make it an amazing experience for students.
Expressions: Any additional information?
Shinglot, Attala, and Hicks: We are going above and beyond for this dance. Trying to get the best decorations and make it a fun dance for everyone going! But make sure that if your date is a student from a different school, they fill out the forms and buy their tickets beforehand.
To buy tickets, visit the ASB office on campus or click here.
Couples Tickets: With ASB are $35, and without ASB are $40.
Singles Tickets: With ASB are $18, and without ASB are $20.