This year at San Luis Obispo High School, a continuation of the cheering section known as the “jungle” has been added once again to the school. Expressions talked with Commissioner of the Jungle senior Janson Fritzley. Here is what he had to say.
Expressions: Can you tell us a little about what you do as Commissioner of the Jungle?
Senior Janson Fritzley: My job is to get students excited for sports games. I lead a section, known as the jungle, where the students are going wild and making as much noise as possible for our Tigers.
Expressions: The Jungle appears to be new to San Luis Obispo High School this year. Was this campaign your idea? If so how did you think of it, and if not who did?
Fritzley: Actually I was originally applying for Commissioner of Athletics. In my interview I talked about how I borrowed Evan Holtz’s spirit wear and went crazy at basketball games. [ASB Adviser] Jim Johnson told me that they wanted to bring back a spirited student section that was known as the jungles, and asked if I was the man for the job. The executive council made a decision to make me Commissioner of the Jungle.
Expressions: Can you give us a look into anything coming up in the jungle?
Fritzley: This trimester we have basketball as well as soccer games coming up. We are looking to organize more half time activities for students wearing jungle apparel to participate in and give prizes.