Yum, Pad Thai! Photo courtesy of reporter Fiona Spurlock.
Thai food is a delectable cuisine, and San Luis Obispo High School students seem to primarily agree with that sentiment. With many students consuming Thai food, it’s become very popular around SLO.
Pad Thai, also known as fried Thai, is the most commonly served dish at many Thai restaurants. The dish was initially popularized by the Thai government during the late 1930s and 40s as a way to improve nationalism during World War II.
“I love Thai food because it encompasses many types of food, [it’s] the best,” said freshman Roslyn Risner.
The best Pad Thai in SLO county is the Pad Thai served at a family owned restaurant, My Thai. Located right next to SLO’s train station, the restaurant has an excellent ambiance and attentive staff. Despite their success as a restaurant, the restaurant’s true successes appear most prominently in their food.
Pad Thai isn’t the only dish My Thai does right, the entirety of their menu is full to the brim of various dishes, all of which are equally good in flavor.
Other places serving Thai food include Thai Palace and Thai Delight Cuisine; both of which are in SLO. For those looking for new food experiences, try it out!
“Thai food contains many spices, flavors, and can bust your mouth with flavor; that is the beauty of Thai food,” said sophomore Lina Arnold.
Good food is hard to find, but for SLOHS students, Pad Thai around SLO hits the spot.
Sources: mythaislo.com, dukelanguage.com