Explosively popular social media platforms are here. Photo Collage courtesy of freshman Che Brocco.
San Luis Obispo High School, like the rest of the world, can have tendencies to fall into short-lived trends. One of the largest trends has been social media, and it can feel like almost every week there’s a new social media app that everyone is talking about that disappears in two weeks.
These apps usually have significant growth. For example, the popular app “BeReal” increased 159 percent in use and got #1 in the social networking category in its first week.
“I have just been sticking with Instagram, Snapchat, and sometimes TikTok,” said senior Lucille Medoza.
But BeReal is not the only app with a large spike in downloads and users leaping from a little over 100 thousand downloads to 4.25 million downloads from September to October in 2022.
A majority of these apps grew primarily to larger social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat. These platforms would be flooded with ads and conversations about the apps creating a massive amount of users to join the app.
These apps all use strong advertisements to make their apps shoot up on charts through strategic marketing.
In such a fast pace world it can be a struggle to remain relevant and soon we will probably receive a brand new social media platform that will have everyone talking about it until it slowly dies down.
Source: businessofapps.com, apptweak.com,