Just Breathe. Illustration Courtesy of opinion co-editor Owen Blackwell.
Students at San Luis Obispo High School start trimester one finals today. At SLOHS, seniors tend to be more stressed this finals week because trimester one finals fall right in the middle of college applications.
“It’s really hard because we not only have finals, but also college applications are due soon,” said senior Matthew Hartford.
Nothing much has changed concerning in person finals at SLOHS. But College Admissions are way more stressful in 2022. For example, A top ten school like Harvard University will only accept under 4 percent of applications. And post COVID-19, more people are applying to college than ever.
Even with this double pressure, seniors find ways to relax and maintain their mental health.
“I make sure to set aside time to do things other than school or college apps. I surf or read a book, and for that time my mind is only on those things and I can disconnect,” said Hartford.
Setting time aside to do things that you like is just as important as studying and finishing college apps.
“Playing guitar is one of the few ways I relax right now because juggling finals and college apps are super stressful and time-consuming. I have double my normal amount of work right now and it’s taking up the majority of my home time,” said Senior Mariana Navarro.
Balance is important in all seasons of life and it is important for seniors to understand that putting a ton of pressure on final grades is unhealthy. SLOHS seniors should remember that neither college acceptance nor final grades define them. Worrying is unnecessary, unproductive, and unhealthy.
“Stay hydrated and relax. Finals are just going to move the needle on your final grade a little bit. Unless you have slacked all trimester. Then…yikes,” said English Teacher Scott Nairne.
Source: ingeniusprep.com