New York City’s so-called beauty. Photo courtesy of co-editor in chief junior Erika Spargo.
New York City in the summer is absolutely horrid. In midtown Manhattan, vendors set up shop on the corner of every street, selling knockoff Gucci purses, cotton candy flavored marijuana edibles, press-on nails, and a New York specialty, hotdogs.
Dead rats the size of apples and twitching cockroaches fill the sidewalks, along with a mystery yellow liquid streaming down the space between the curb of the concrete and the street.
Despite what you’ve heard and seen, New York City is absolutely disgusting– especially in the summer, when tourism peaks and the moist heat rots the garbage, and all people do is smoke, smoke, and smoke some more. With 27,000 people per square mile, combined body odor makes this city one of the worst in the world.
“I know that the media portrays New York City to be amazing– with the skyscrapers and Broadway and culture and everything, but there’s no way I would go there for fun. From what I’ve heard, it’s the worst place to be,” said junior Parker McCarty.
New York City is absolutely disgusting and does not deserve all of the grace and attention that is thrusted upon it. If you’re thinking about going there, take my word for it. Don’t.