Last year’s Homecoming had a dancing robot! Photo courtesy of junior Abi Russel.
The first dance of the year is just a week away and it’s going to be a blast. Students at San Luis Obispo High School shared their feelings, anticipations, and tips for having a successful Homecoming experience with Expressions.
Expressions: Are you excited about going to Homecoming? Why or why not?
Sophomore Anja Reed: Yes, I am excited to go to Homecoming because last year was so much fun, and I am going with my friends and boyfriend.
Senior Sefton Strickland: I’m probably not going to go. If I got invited I’d go, but it takes so much effort, so I’d rather not even worry about it.
Sophomore Matthew Haynes: Yes, I am excited to go to Homecoming because this is my first time going to a high school dance. I think it’s a great way for me to create memories with my friends.
Expressions: What has your experience been like at Homecoming or other school dances?
Reed: I have had a lot of fun in the past at Homecoming and Winter Formal. I like the music and the overall atmosphere.
Strickland: Homecoming, especially, is always super cool. Usually Winter Formal is super boring and cold, and Homecoming is just a huge party.
Haynes: I have not been to a dance before.
Expressions: Do you think people should go with a group of friends or on a date?
Reed: I think that it really depends on the person. If you have a date, I think it can be fun, but it can also be fun with a group.
Strickland: People should go however they want to go. With Homecoming it’s usually mostly just friends, and Winter Formal is for dates. But I don’t care who goes with who.
Haynes: I think that people should go with whatever they feel comfortable with. Unless it’s supposed to be super formal, I think it’s fine for either.
Expressions: Do you have any tips on asking another student to Homecoming?
Reed: Not really, just ask someone that you aren’t awkward around or that you know well enough to have fun with. It can be weird to spend a lot of time with someone you like, who you don’t know very well somewhere like Homecoming.
Strickland: Definitely know the person before you ask them. It’s going to be super awkward if Homecoming is a first date.
Haynes: A tip I would have for asking someone to the dance is to just try not to stress about it. It’s not like asking them to be your boyfriend or girlfriend. It may seem daunting, but just put it out there. It may suck if they reject you, but at least you can say that you had the courage to ask.
Tickets for Homecoming are available at the finance office inside the student resource building until Friday, September 30. Tickets are $10 without an ASB Card, and $5 with. Students should not miss out on this classic high school experience!